Danielle McMahon

Cut/paste mashup poem, sources:  

Brooks, W.R.  β€œThe Condition of Women From a Zoological Point of View.”  The Popular Science Monthly.  June 1879.  
A full-page advertisement for the 1954 Chevrolet Bel-Air found in National Geographic Magazine.  February 1954 issue.

The female mind is a storehouse:
smooth, economical, automatic.

Here, a touch of a button adjusts 
her disinterested devotion )however 
a very rare occurrence(

There's much more power. 
Much finer performance.


The body of the female:  even 
more of a stand-out )new 
and more colorful(

a brilliant plumage
a Blue-Flame

New beauty is only the beginning.


The female is an ordinary 
barnacle )at the tips the origin 
of self-denying(

to use a humble illustration:
the food-yolk is wanting, 
the egg itself is alive,
the egg is small, 
the egg is nothing new


This may go on indefinitely.
It is almost hopeless )the 
external wanting, the melting 
of seeds and eggs(

optional at extra cost.

Danielle McMahon pretends an awful lot.